I am excited to be venturing deeper into the blog world of the internet. As a long year comes to an end, one full of tragic healing, I find myself more connected to my life partner. Though sex can sometimes wane with us (being married for over a decade has had its ups and downs), right now we are on our way up!
The Sex Stool has founds its way into our bedroom, and although I didn't originally think I would like, one of the Sacral Tease team members sold me on it! HOLY... can you say...whole new heights! Literally. I am not a small girl, by any means, and was concerned with not only the weight capacity, but the tendency for the body to slide through the slat in an embarrasing meeting of flesh and plastic.
But, my dears, that was not the case!
Christine Laplante
Goddess #431
Forgive me for my lack of creativity, but, what do you do with it??
So many things! lol...basically, it takes a lot of pressure off of the legs and allows for a longer duration of "bouncing" when on top!
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